It's About Time

You can spend it. You can save it. You can make it. You can waste it. You can invest it. You can run out of it. And you will likely always want more of it. It’s not about money though, it’s about something far more valuable - it’s about time.

A few weeks ago I came across these charts on Instagram shared by neuroscientist @tjpower. I’m a big fan of charts that don’t need much explanation and can be insightful to anyone, no matter their age or stage in life, and these hit the nail right on the head.

The first chart above shows how we spend the most time with our family in our early years of life. Once we get our driver’s license and head off to college or the work world, that time gets reallocated to time spent with friends.

As we mature and begin to focus on our careers and personal aspirations, that time then transitions to time spent with coworkers.

Which often coincides with time spent with our partners.

Which for some turns into time spent with children.

And last, but certainly not least, is time spent alone.

I spent a good amount of time looking at these charts. For me, thus far in my life, they are pretty accurate. But they also made me take a step back and think about how and who I’d like to spend my time with as I age.

I’m a big believer that with some thought, planning, and persistence, you can create the life you want. How you spend your time and who you spend it with are important parts of that plan. So let this chart be a general guide rather than a set-in-stone roadmap, and spend your time wisely.

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

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